Friday, September 6, 2019
AIS- Share The Number UPDATE 9-2019
For AIS- Automated Income System, there is an update-
No more FREE memberships- It starts at the $297 level.
and there's a $5 a month fee for the system
Obviously still worth it, as a SINGLE sale pays for your entire membership for years!
But- I know some people need "assurances" before they join, and this will slow those people down.
Don't let it boter you- just go for it
Monday, October 15, 2018
What I Learned Making $10,000 w/ Automated Income Systems How To Make $1...
I didn't even know what happened but I
passed 10,000 bucks
with a is in commissions which is
and a profit by the way so that is
fantastic didn't even know what happened
I was kind of just looking around and I
realized oh I passed that which is I
mean I don't know about you but that's a
fantastic result so far for me and I
wanted to tell you why that is or some
things I have noticed on the way to
10,000 bucks right and the first thing I
noticed is that I and I've said this all
the time
my first week even though I promoted it
to people
nobody joined nobody bought any of the
lead packages and what I've learned now
is that people need time to kind of
digest and understand that it really is
this simple I think there's just this
thing of like it can't be that simple
and when I think about my own experience
you know I got it I understood within
pretty quickly I thought it was
brilliant when I first saw it I was like
oh that's a that's a unique selling
proposition you just share the phone
number and a promo code that is unique
and you can make how much money what are
the how high are the Commission's so I
understood that but I didn't actually
buy put my money down for a few days
why I don't know maybe because it was
1,500 bucks right so my first advice to
you on your way to building your AIS
business is to have a little bit of
patience because even one of my months
one of my months I made thirty five
fifty okay and and then you know I have
other businesses right so a is is not
like a full-time thing I promote it but
you know I do other things I take care
of my kids and you know stuff so I made
thirty five fifty and but when I looked
at it it was only for sales it was for
measly sales and two of them were each
25 bucks the other two though were
seventeen fifty each so it doesn't take
much to make a huge to end the
difference between those four people
I don't know I don't know I didn't do
anything different it was them you have
to let other people make their decision
for what they're going to join at so the
he two people who only joined the low
level I don't know I actually I do know
I know they're not promoting it at all
because they join at the lower level
right but the people who join at the
high level they are promoting it and
making money making sales right but
there was no difference in work for me I
just sent people to the phone number and
the promo code I also send people to
website now right I do that now of
course too because it's still the
Internet I love the the unique selling
proposition but like in an email I'll
also send the the link a link okay so
that's one of the things I wanted to
tell you so it's easy to get discouraged
or give up if you start at the lower
levels and like you promote it for a
couple days and no one joins it's easy
to be like oh I knew this wouldn't work
I knew this was bullshit meantime there
are plenty of people totally making
money because they just keep doing it
right that's the first thing second
thing is that you do it's better to
followup with folks right because they
might join and you know life gets in the
way something's on TV whatever but I
like sending a text hey I saw you joined
share the number do you want to make
money with us or were you just curious
please answer me this is really me the
people who answer back are extremely
likely to join right the people who
don't they want they're hiding or
they're scared that you're gonna do something
Monday, August 20, 2018
Does "Share The Number" Work? Here's The Way To Know- BEFORE You Join Sh...
Someone asked me this question, and I was thinking about it while I was doing the dishes.
Am I Yelling?
Maybe a little.
But if you're asking whether or not "Share The Number" - or really, ANY business opportunity works... then this message s for you.
If you want to make money online, and make money fast, then you want to take a look at this Automated Income systems review, also known as Share The number review.
Some people who do affiliate marketing, and who make money on the internet are saying that you can join for free, and decide for yourself if there's an automated income systems scam, or if it's a legit home business.
When you review the incopme proofs, you'll see that people like Bones Rodriguez, jeff ruiz, and grant cardone are recommending AIS and this make money program people who want to make money from home, or looking for simple ways to make money.
For more information, you can visit:
Or connect with Bones Rodriguez
Share The Number? This is EVERYTHING You Need To Know- Good and Bad!
If you want to make money online, and make money fast, then you want to take a look at this Automated Income systems review, also known as Share The number review.
Some people who do affiliate marketing, and who make money on the internet are saying that you can join for free, and decide for yourself if there's an automated income systems scam, or if it's a legit home business.
When you review the income proofs, you'll see that people like Bones Rodriguez, jeff ruiz, and Michael Mansell are recommending AIS and this make money program people who want to make money from home, or looking for simple ways to make money.
For more information, you can visit:
Or connect with Bones Rodriguez
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Is Share The Number A Scam? Here's a REVIEW Of "Share The Number" program Automated Income Systems Share The Number review- Is it a scam? your question is does this business opportunity work how much did the person who referred me make have you made any money yet have you made any sales yet that is the question that makes sense from my consumer point of view because when you buy a TV you want to know does it work does it get the channels does it sound right right this is puppy joy by the way my name is bones Rodriguez I tried this a second ago maybe I'll show you the outtakes later and you would know that if you were buying a lemonade stand kit that came with lemons and sugar and water and directions and a stand you would know that it's up to you to make it work then of course selling lemonade works right so while you're looking at this business opportunity and I've made this video so anyone can use it why are you looking at this business opportunity don't ask does it work ask is it something that you think you can make work now here's part 2 of that right because you might say well the way I would know is if the person I know who referred me if they're making money then it probably works right and but maybe they haven't yet here's a best way to know if something works or if you're already in a business opportunity and it's not you know you haven't made any money yet here's the best way the proof that it works ready you bought it or you you buy it if you haven't yet then you buy it and you have proven that it works because you buying it proves that people buy it right tadhana has your friend made any money yet if you buy it they did right so now it's a question of well am I an idiot I don't know is the person who brought before you an idiot if so then just go find idiots like you like me right so if you're looking at this video because I've shown you something are you as dumb as me maybe you're smarter maybe you're not right but are you at least or I can you if you're smarter can you at least find people as dumb as me make sense so if someone sent you a business opportunity and it looks good but you're just not sure about this and the other one make sure you're not looking at it from a consumer point of view right and - do you think there are people as dumb as you who might want to join it or start it and guess what your friend is not the first person in the company right there are other people in the company so the question is do you think you can do whatever it is that you're enroller did okay did they send you a link did they give you a free product whatever they did can you do that that's your proof okay bye

Is Automated Income System A Scam?
The thing about Share The Number is that it is SIMPLE.
But that's what makes some people STUPID SKEPTICAL!
is automated income systems a scam how
can you just share the number and with
the promo code and get paid so much
money it must be a scam right well
fortunately there's a way to find out
you can join for free and get in the
back office and go look around and join
our Facebook group and look around and
ask your enroller instead of running
away being like oh it must be a scam go
find out and you don't have to take my
word for it you can just go find out and
guess you're gonna find that it's not
and just for in just in case that was
too quick for you again just in case you
didn't feel like satisfied by that
answer of you go find out instead of
just listening to me instead of watching
this video and being like this guy tell
me if it's a scam or not you can go find
out if that isn't good enough for you if
you don't trust yourself to get that
information here's the next thing how
could it be how could it be a scam if
you pay for something and you get
something in return
that's called commerce so if you buy a
Bissell lead package and a free system
if you buy the lead package and you get
the lead package end of discussion
that's called a purchase and if you're
enroller got an affiliate fee for it
even better and since it's remembered
remember you know cuz you have to pay
them directly so there you go
can't be a scam how can it but don't
take my word for it go join for free
click below join for free get in the
Facebook group ask folks whatever go
watch the videos hey I'm just gonna tell
you it can't be so stop asking ok bye

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The ONE Question To Evaluate A Business- How to make money online
If you want to make money online, and make money fast, then you want to take a look at this Automated Income systems review, also known as Share The number review.
Some people who do affiliate marketing, and who make money on the internet are saying that you can join for free, and decide for yourself if there's an automated income systems scam, or if it's a legit home business.
When you review the incopme proofs, you'll see that people like Bones Rodriguez, jeff ruiz, and grant cardone are recommending AIS and this make money program people who want to make money from home, or looking for simple ways to make money.
For more information, you can visit:
Or connect with Bones Rodriguez
Friday, April 20, 2018
How Does It Work? Automated Income Systems and Share The Number How It W...
you can make up to 1750 up to 3000 bucks
to the 1300 1750 a thousand three
thousand bucks just by sharing a phone
number and a promo code sounds crazy
right how does that work here's how it
works and it's brilliant by the way it
is brilliant it is a done-for-you system
called automated income systems also
known as share the number where you
share the phone number six one eight
three five five eleven twenty one with
your promo code curiously you can make a
sign you've probably seen the sign
already or somebody just posted it in
their Facebook or post it on their
Instagram or whatever and here's how it
you dial a phone number there's a
1-minute message from John J valine he's
like people all over the country are
making money off to 1750 or 3000 bucks
just by sharing the phone number and
promo code yes the phone number you're
just listening to something like that
right and then he tells you to go to
share the number dot-com and enter your
promo code so you go to the web and go
to share the number comment enter your
promo code but wait a minute bones why
did I go from the web to the phone just
to tell me to go back to the web that's
the beauty of it that is the unique
selling proposition that's the thing
that makes it unique that's the thing
that caught your eye
that's why do people just share that
share the website absolutely I do it -
did I make other sites - also just send
people - absolutely
but the unique selling proposition the
reason people buy it is because it is
simple to share a phone number in a
promo code that sounds more it sounds
easier to do then share your website
with others because you've heard share
your website with others all over the
place you've heard that you haven't
heard share a phone number with your
promo code that's why it's brilliant
that's why it works
that's why people buy and
that's why people join because they can
do that okay anyway so they go to the
web they put in their phone number there
their promo code and it takes them to a
simple page with three videos that
explains the whole thing the the first
video is a bunch of testimonials I'm on
it and like at like 2 minutes and 20
seconds um of people that who have made
a lot of money using the system the
second is what the system is its buying
biz op leads leads are people who are
interested in a business opportunity
yeah so people who are interested in the
business opportunity you're buying a
package of leads of them so people who
have requested information from various
ads out there that John has and their
name phone number and email address you
know they have requested information
about a business opportunity so you buy
these lead packages that's what you're
buying and it has a huge Commission on
it in some cases like ninety percent
eighty nine percent okay why am i buying
that what is that what is that well
you're buying it for two reasons your
one buying it because it's a valuable
thing to have because you can promote
all sorts of business opportunities
including automated income systems and
share the number to that group of people
which is a huge reason to buy that
should have if that if that if you
didn't just say oh okay then you're
missing something but the second reason
is you buy it because people buy it you
buy it to sell it just like if you own a
hotdog stand you buy hot dogs in order
to sell hot dogs
you buy the license to resell John's
visit leads in order so that so that you
can sell them okay I wrote a book for
Simon and Schuster they bought the
rights to that book from me so they can
sell the book okay
if you're listening for like something
wrong if you're like well you're just
buying it just to sell it yes that's
what you do in business okay so you buy
it you buy it you pay the admin free to
John you pay the enroller the affiliate
their fee and you go on and you go share
the number with your promo code and you
make can make up to $3,000 a sale so
click below go to share the number
system comm you can join for free so no
it's not a scam you can join for free
and go look around and find out that's
what most people do anyway you kind of
have to and get all the information you
need and that's it that's how it works
you share the phone number it says would
you like to make some money call this
use this promo code they call the number
it sends them to a website they use your
promo code just like you did sign up
find out what the business opportunity
is and they buy or they all they join
for free and get more information and
eventually buy or they don't and you
make up to $3,000 per sale oh is it work
yes go to the Facebook group see the
testimonials mine at 2:20 and get with
it it's awesome it's it's a fantastic
thing so just join get the information
join for free that's how it works yeah
that is how it works if you're like you
didn't tell me how it works yes I did
yes I did okay bye
UNBIASED REVIEW- (Watch to the end) Automated Income Systems & Share Th...
Why do you even need an unbiased review?
I know why, but here's the story first...
hey this is bones Rodriguez with an
unbiased review of automated income
systems and share the number and here's
the thing I came across this picture
really it was just a picture and it had
a phone number with a promo code and it
said make up - at the time it said make
up to 1300 but now it's more now it's
it's about to be $3,000 per sale or it
said per day it was like make 1300 per
day sharing this phone number and the
promo code I was like what that sounds
dumb so I checked it out right and you
could join for free so I was like okay
great I'll join for free and look around
and see what this is about because it
sounds screwy and what I found out was
that it was a completely legitimate
business and it had the best idea
it had an amazing idea actually was two
ideas put together that was amazing one
is that it sells biz op leads so it
sells the very thing that business
owners want so if you're in any other
kind of home business or you're an
affiliate you know you are looking for
people who are looking for a business
okay and this is one so it
sells the thing you need it's like if
you were in a health business and part
of your purse if you bought protein and
along with protein came with a bunch of
people who wanted to lose weight you
understand that's amazing so that's one
the second thing is that it's this share
a phone number with a promo code that's
a strange thing to do especially online
but the brilliance of it is that it the
phone number sends you to a website
that's brilliant okay so what I found
out was I was there and I studied for
like a week and I decided yeah I'm
joining and I joined all-in and I've
made a bunch of money since then I made
a lot of sales and wave them been way
more successful with this than anything
else because it's simple it's a can you
share a phone number with the promo code
yeah so if I told you I just told you I
joined I just told you that I joined and
have been doing it so why did I name
this an unbiased review
here's why because I'm so unbiased that
I joined it do you understand the other
unbiased reviews you see out there are
reviews to tell you that hey this is
this is not bad but you know what's
really good this other thing that's not
unbiased you understand and if you're
looking for an unbiased review it's
because you think someone is going to
lie to you so that they can manipulate
you or make money off of you or
something like that right but I've
already had money made off of me in the
business so I'm exactly the best so
someone in the business already is the
right person to have is the right person
to listen to now just to be clear sure
there are people out there who might
promote something and lie about it so
here's how you escape the need for
unbiased review about automated income
systems here's how you beat the system
for unbiased versus bias who you know to
listen to here's how you beat the system
you just join for free you can just join
for free and get your own information so
you don't even need a review at all you
can use your own intelligence to go join
for free use promo code friends and you
can join for free and get a bunch of
info you can text me or email me
directly right from your back-office
and I'll send you all the resources we
have including this awesome PDF and you
can decide if you think it's an amazing
business or not I do I did the money
I've made has made it awesome
without question at first I was like I
don't know this is seems silly but as
I've grown in and as I've been more
successful it's so good
so there's my unbiased review okay click
the link if you want some more
information or just get started you can
go to share this share the number system
com or click one of the links below
right my name is bones I'll talk to you
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
What I Learned Making $10,000 w/ Automated Income Systems How To Make $1...
I didn't even know what happened but I
passed 10,000 bucks
with a is in commissions which is
and a profit by the way so that is
fantastic didn't even know what happened
I was kind of just looking around and I
realized oh I passed that which is I
mean I don't know about you but that's a
fantastic result so far for me and I
wanted to tell you why that is or some
things I have noticed on the way to
10,000 bucks right and the first thing I
noticed is that I and I've said this all
the time
my first week even though I promoted it
to people
nobody joined nobody bought any of the
lead packages and what I've learned now
is that people need time to kind of
digest and understand that it really is
this simple I think there's just this
thing of like it can't be that simple
and when I think about my own experience
you know I got it I understood within
pretty quickly I thought it was
brilliant when I first saw it I was like
oh that's a that's a unique selling
proposition you just share the phone
number and a promo code that is unique
and you can make how much money what are
the how high are the Commission's so I
understood that but I didn't actually
buy put my money down for a few days
why I don't know maybe because it was
1,500 bucks right so my first advice to
you on your way to building your AIS
business is to have a little bit of
patience because even one of my months
one of my months I made thirty five
fifty okay and and then you know I have
other businesses right so a is is not
like a full-time thing I promote it but
you know I do other things I take care
of my kids and you know stuff so I made
thirty five fifty and but when I looked
at it it was only for sales it was for
measly sales and two of them were each
25 bucks the other two though were
seventeen fifty each so it doesn't take
much to make a huge to end the
difference between those four people
I don't know I don't know I didn't do
anything different it was them you have
to let other people make their decision
for what they're going to join at so the
the two people who only joined the low
level I don't know I actually I do know
I know they're not promoting it at all
because they join at the lower level
right but the people who join at the
high level they are promoting it and
making money making sales right but
there was no difference in work for me I
just sent people to the phone number and
the promo code I also send people to
website now right I do that now of
course too because it's still the
Internet I love the the unique selling
proposition but like in an email I'll
also send the the link a link okay so
that's one of the things I wanted to
tell you so it's easy to get discouraged
or give up if you start at the lower
levels and like you promote it for a
couple days and no one joins it's easy
to be like oh I knew this wouldn't work
I knew this was bullshit meantime there
are plenty of people totally making
money because they just keep doing it
right that's the first thing second
thing is that you do it's better to
followup with folks right because they
might join and you know life gets in the
way something's on TV whatever but I
like sending a text hey I saw you joined
share the number do you want to make
money with us or were you just curious
please answer me this is really me the
people who answer back are extremely
likely to join right the people who
don't they want they're hiding or
they're scared that you're gonna do
something and they're not the right type
anyway the people who answer yeah yeah
is this thing for real you know hey yeah
have you made any money yeah I don't get
it you know it looked cool hey did you
join the Facebook group I saw all the
people making money that person's in
dude I'm saying people who actually
investigate will will join people who
kind of just like join up look around
and leave
they're gonna do nothing and stay
exactly with the same problem they had
before they went in right we're looking
for action takers people who have a
problem and want to solve it and know
that they have to do something to solve
it okay the third thing I want to
mention is that not everybody wants to
make money a lot of people want to have
an allowance everybody wants to have an
allowance I wasn't allowance right
everybody wants an allowance everybody
wants to have more money but not
everybody wants to make more right and
so are they willing to join the simplest
business in the world the simplest thing
and put a little bit of effort behind it
some for some the answer is yes for no
for others they just want to join and
and expect to make money without even
sharing the number okay by the way a
great number of my sales are literally
just posting one of the pictures of the
phone number with my promo code if
you're looking at this then you probably
know what I mean but like there are
pictures that are like hey stupid simple
system call this phone number and use
this promo code like just posting that
in on my own Facebook wall
okay people have joined just from my own
Facebook wall so if you're more popular
on Instagram or whatever posting that
picture will make it you can make sales
that way okay and the last thing the
10,000 is that here's the thing I really
really and this is this is almost a
spiritual thing like if you join at the
lower levels and you're wondering why
other people are kind of getting in the
business but not not joining any of them
it's because you have shown them not to
the reason why no one has bought a big
package in your business is because you
haven't bought a big package in your
business now it's not one hundred
percent because in my own you know
somebody I enrolled as a free member and
as a starter he made two
thousand dollar sales so it does happen
right but he only got a little bit of
money not enough to upgrade okay so if
you want to make those big sales you be
the first one and I made this error in
another business of mine I'll say it
empower network I was in empower network
I did not get the highest level in
partner because that was like no one's
buying this and if they are they're
dummies you know and I was wrong because
someone totally bought it and and I was
like damn I missed that Commission and
it was upsetting and I knew that if I
had I would have put more muscle behind
that make sense okay so you're hedging
your bets and that's why you're people
who who you enroll are also hedging
their bets if you if people join for
free and you text them hey do you do you
want to make money with us or not
you know do you have any questions and
they're like what level are you and
you're like starter they're like nothing
so that's it put a little effort behind
it and it'll work for you you just stay
in the Facebook group you'll see people
making sales and you can ask them hey
you know and they'll tell you for most
people it's just that it's the answer is
I don't know I'm sharing the phone I
don't know what I don't know where it's
coming from
that's for most people though so that's
been my results to ten thousand bucks
talk too soon click one of the things
around here and get more information
just get started
it can't be asked in if you can join for
free and look around how can it be a
scam right party soon
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It's Back for 2022! Share The Number!
Wow! I am so super-pumped to announce that we were able to RESURRECT the SHARE THE NUMBER opportunity! I had been BUGGING Don for a long tim...

If you want to make money online, and make money fast, then you want to take a look at this Automated Income systems review, also known a...
- For AIS- Automated Income System, there is an update- No more FREE memberships- It starts at th...